Disinfection Products

Your Partner in Pristine Protection.

Integral Protection

  • Advanced German nanotechnology with residual effects
  • Bacoban is independently tested and proven according to strict clinical standards
  • Patented and registered worldwide
  • Bacoban’s long-term antibacterial benefits of up to 10 days
  • Certified under ASTM E 2180 long term efficacity Test protocol
  • Proven ability to create easy-to-clean surfaces which reduce the cleaning time of protected surfaces by 50%. (Study…)
  • Bacoban provides long lasting surface disinfection for medical, sensitive areas and high multi-user environments
  • Water based, biocompatible and eco-friendly

Fighting Cross-infection

  • Multi-dimensional approach for high quality antipathogen protection
  • Proven 10-day protection against virus, bacteria and fungi including Covid19, MRSA, E-coli, HIV, Hepatitis B, Ebola and Hepatitis C
  • Effectiveness: 5 minutes according to DIN EN 1040, DIN EN 1275, DIN EN 1276, DIN EN 1650 & DIN EN 13697
  • Multi-surface disinfection; effective on floors, walls, furniture, medical equipment’s, glass etc
  • Bacoban is biocompatible and can be applied to metals, ceramics, plastics and textiles
  • Bacoban reduces odours caused by bacteria

The Technology

The rise in infections caused by microorganisms has become a significant concern. Bacoban’s innovative technology offers a valuable enhancement to your disinfection and cleaning programs.

Bacoban: The New Way of Disinfection

Bacoban® is a highly advanced, “intelligent” disinfection system with controlled release. While conventional disinfectants are effective upon application, their protection lasts only for a short period, ceasing once the active ingredients dry. Consequently, contamination can occur soon after.

In contrast, Bacoban® provides a long-lasting antimicrobial effect for up to 10 days. The key advantage of Bacoban® is its ability to offer significantly higher protection against re-infection between disinfection intervals, making it a powerful tool in combating cross-infection.

Bacoban® forms a three-dimensional nano-structured layer on surfaces. This ultra-thin layer stores biocides, which activate to eliminate recolonizing bacteria, viruses, and fungi. By protecting treated surfaces from microbial growth, Bacoban® virtually eliminates cross-contamination between disinfection periods. It has been tested and certified to provide up to 10 days of antimicrobial protection.

The nanocoat layer of Bacoban® also creates an easy-to-clean surface, reducing cleaning time by up to 50%. Lower surface energy means that soiling, dust, and other particles adhere loosely, making them easy to remove.

Bacoban® cleaner/disinfectant is ideal for a wide range of industries, providing both cleaning and disinfection in one operation. It kills bacteria, fungi, and viruses in just 5 minutes (compliant with DIN EN 1040, DIN EN 1276, and DIN EN 1275 standards, with test reports available). It offers up to 10-day protection against bacteria, viruses, and fungi. It is easy to apply and complies with Directive 93/42/EEC and ASTM E 2180 standards. Bacoban® is patented and certified for biocompatibility according to DIN EN ISO 10993-1 and does not contain silver, triclosan, aldehyde, or phenol.

Key Benefits of Bacoban®:

– Cleans and disinfects in one operation
– Kills bacteria, fungi, and viruses in 5 minutes
– Provides up to 10 days of antimicrobial protection
– Easy to apply with significant time savings in cleaning
– Complies with international standards and regulations
– Safe and free from harmful chemicals

Ropimex/Adexano’s expertise in nanotechnology offers significant potential for addressing key technological challenges.

**Nanotechnology Explained**

Nanotechnology involves manipulating matter on an atomic, molecular, and supramolecular scale. Initially, it aimed to precisely manipulate atoms and molecules for fabricating macroscale products, now known as molecular nanotechnology.

Defined by size, nanotechnology spans diverse scientific fields, including surface science, organic chemistry, molecular biology, semiconductor physics, energy storage, engineering, microfabrication, and molecular engineering. The associated research and applications are equally varied, from extending conventional device physics to pioneering molecular self-assembly approaches and developing new nanoscale materials to directly controlling matter at the atomic level.

Core Principles

Nanotechnology involves engineering functional systems at the molecular scale, encompassing both current developments and more advanced concepts. Originally, nanotechnology referred to the anticipated capability to build complete, high-performance products from the bottom up using emerging techniques and tools.

To put the scale into perspective, the size of a nanometer compared to a meter is akin to the size of a marble compared to the Earth. Another analogy is that a nanometer is the amount an average man’s beard grows in the time it takes him to raise a razor to his face.

In today’s cleaning and disinfection needs, nanotechnology offers opportunities to develop a multi-dimensional approach, enabling better processes and long-lasting solutions for a safer environment.

Our relentless pursuit of profit and environmental neglect have contributed to the emergence of multidrug-resistant bacteria and new viruses. Poor hygiene exacerbates these conditions, increasing disease and infection risks, while climate change accelerates the spread of germs. Germ-resistant surfaces and antibacterial coatings are crucial in mitigating these risks.

Ropimex’s advancements in sol-gel technology have led to the development of advanced cleaning and disinfection products. Bacoban not only reduces costs but also offers new and secure options for cleaning and disinfection across a wide range of industries.